Production of activated carbon from local raw materials using physical and chemical preparation methods
This study was concentrated on the preparation of activated
carbon from local raw material (Rice husk & waste plastic), as they are
available in large quantities. A comparison between physical and chemical
preparation methods and their efficiency were investigated. Results are shown
that the preparation by chemical method is more efficiency than physical method
due to bigger surface area of AC, except treatment with NaOH. The optimum
preparation conditions together with the effected of these conditions on the
yield & efficiency of produced AC have been studied.The maximum surface
area of produced AC from rise husks is 201.15 m 2 /gm in physical method and
the maximum surface area in chemical method is 329.8714, 280 and 59.0532 when
treated with H3PO4, ZnCl2 and NaOH respectively. While the surface area of
produced AC from waste plastic is nill that indicate the porosity is not
available. Also the characteristic of produced AC were determined such as
surface area, bulk density, particle density, porosity, pH, pore volume and
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