Aloe vera : A Potential Herb and its Medicinal Importance
Aloe vera contains numerous vitamins and minerals, enzymes,
amino acids, natural sugars and agents which may be anti-inflammatory and
anti-microbial. The combination and balance of the plant's ingredients are what
purportedly gives it its healing properties. The part of the Aloe vera which is
used are the leaves. The Aloe is an Emollient, Purgative and Vulnerary. It is
also used for its antibacterial, anesthetic and antiseptic properties, and is
good to use as a tool for restoration of tissue. It is most commonly used on
burns and minor cuts, especially good for sunburns, although it is being used
for the treatment of skin cancer. Aloe is very useful on rashes caused by
Poison Ivy, and it may help to draw out infection. It may help with Vaginal
Yeast Infections, although this is not solid at this time. Aloe be made into a
warm tea, made from the juice as a wash for eyes. The washing of eyes with Aloe
may protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays from the sun. It can be used as a
purgative. Aloe is also an extremely powerful laxative, and it is not
recommended that it is taken internally. It is recommended that the fresh juice
from the plant is used, and not the store bought juice within other products or
on its own. The reason for this is that the medicinal use of the plant
diminishes with time, and there is much questioning about whether or not you can
receive benefits from the store bought aloe, even if the product has been
filled with preservatives. It gives a healthy and supple look to the skin by
reducing wrinkles, curing acne, rejuvenating and giving it a youthful glow.
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